
China boycotts Sharon Stone films after star blames earthquake on bad karma for Tibet

Film star Sharon Stone has set off a storm of fury across China after she suggested the deadly earthquake that killed as many as 80,000 people was bad karma for Beijing policy in Tibet.

“I’m not happy about the way that the Chinese are treating the Tibetans because I don’t think anyone should be unkind to anyone else,” [Sharon Stone] told reporters at Cannes. “And so I have been very concerned about how to think and what to do because I don’t like that.” She said she’s also been wondering how the United States should handle the Olympics because China is “not being nice to the Dalai Lama, who’s a good friend of mine.” When the earthquake hit, Stone wondered if it was a case of what goes around, comes around. “Then all this earthquake and all this stuff happened, and I thought, is that karma? When you’re not nice, that the bad things happen to you?” said the 50-year-old star.

Several Chinese cinemas have pledged not to screen her movies and the Internet has exploded in a stream of angry comments.

It's pretty ironic how she's faking her sympathy for Tibetans when a lot of Sichuan residents are Tibetans as well.

I wonder what 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina was to the USA?














Ask The Girl Next Door

Came across a funny Singa-rean's Q & A from a magazine...

Q: After 5 years of marriage and 2 lovely kids, my wife and I have become total homebodies. My wife doesn't even put on makeup anymore. How do I re-ignite the spark in our relationship?

A: It's completely understandable that in the day-to-day zoo of bills, tuition classes, and nagging aunties, our personal needs usually fall to the bottom of the priority list. I say, start off with a bang. One weekend, tell your wife that you're taking her out on the town. Present her with a gift certificate to a department store (if she doesn't already have your credit cards!) and tell her she has one hour to buy a new outfit - after which you're whisking her off to get her hair done at a nearby salon. While she's still in shock, present her with a voucher from someone she trusts, like your mother or her sister, to baby-sit for that night. Let her feel gorgeous in her new dress and 'do, and enjoy a romantic dinner out, just the two of you. To make sure this isn't a one-off event, strike a deal with one of the many relatives you're always visiting: one Saturday a month, they watch your kids for the night while you and your wife go on a date - and you return the favour the next saturday.




