
Ask The Girl Next Door

Came across a funny Singa-rean's Q & A from a magazine...

Q: After 5 years of marriage and 2 lovely kids, my wife and I have become total homebodies. My wife doesn't even put on makeup anymore. How do I re-ignite the spark in our relationship?

A: It's completely understandable that in the day-to-day zoo of bills, tuition classes, and nagging aunties, our personal needs usually fall to the bottom of the priority list. I say, start off with a bang. One weekend, tell your wife that you're taking her out on the town. Present her with a gift certificate to a department store (if she doesn't already have your credit cards!) and tell her she has one hour to buy a new outfit - after which you're whisking her off to get her hair done at a nearby salon. While she's still in shock, present her with a voucher from someone she trusts, like your mother or her sister, to baby-sit for that night. Let her feel gorgeous in her new dress and 'do, and enjoy a romantic dinner out, just the two of you. To make sure this isn't a one-off event, strike a deal with one of the many relatives you're always visiting: one Saturday a month, they watch your kids for the night while you and your wife go on a date - and you return the favour the next saturday.

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